Devo Week 7

Mountainside fields surrounding Akha and Akeu villages of Northern Thailand.

Hidden Treasure - In His Joy

When we join God in what He’s already doing, it's important for us to understand we are not on a scavenger hunt, but rather a treasure hunt with Him. Traditionally, Jesus has been presented as the hidden treasure in the field. Songs have been written about this. But, taking a closer look, Matthew 13:44 becomes a prophetic parable of the mission of God.

Key Concept: God Pursues Us

A consistent theme throughout scripture from Genesis to Revelation is that God pursues us. That 'no human seeks after God.’ (Rom. 3:11) It is not that 'we first love God' but actually that 'He first loves us.' (I John 4:19)

With that in mind, let’s reconsider the parable: a man is presented as finding treasure hidden in a field. What if that man is Jesus, as the Son of Man? What if the hidden treasure is us — the people of the world bearing His image? This portrays God as active in pursuing all nations with the Gospel, demonstrating His love for all of mankind.

From this perspective, we are exhorted to respect all of humanity, in the fear of God, as His most prized creation. This releases honor, humility, love and kindness among the nations. God values the least, the last and the lost and is in the process of redeeming all nations. As we join Him on His treasure hunt, great joy is released to God, to the angels and to us.

Key Word Definitions:

1. dignity (noun)
--the quality or state of being worthy, honored, or esteemed.

2. value (noun)
-- something intrinsically (built-in) valuable or desirable.

Excerpt from Devotional 7 with highlighted words:

"If -- like God -- we see and relate to others as treasure, not only would that help restore rightful dignity and value where lost but would establish a good foundation for the coming of His Kingdom. After all, is it not His kindness that leads us to repentance? (Rom 2:4) Any other perspective and we might risk reducing others to savages, heathens, objects or numbers, rather than the rare jewels that they are."

Scripture: Matthew 13:44

“The kingdom of heaven is like treasure hidden in a field, which a man found and covered up. Then in his joy he goes and sells all that he has and buys that field.” (ESV)

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