A Guru that Gives His Life Force

A Redemptive Analogy

Our mission team was at a water-themed, New Age event that included a cold plunge. I am proud to say I was one of three people to last for five minutes in the cold water. Most people got out around two minutes. 

After the plunge, the group warmed up in the hot tub and decided to spend 11 minutes and 11 seconds in mediation.  In the new age community, 11:11 is an "angel number" and means good fortune is heading your way. At around minute 10, a guy started a chant to Shiva. Shiva is a Hindu god known as the destroyer. Shiva destroys in order to rebuild and transform. There is a redemptive analogy here. Jesus allows His very body and human life to be destroyed so that He, and all of us, can be transformed, and rise into new life.

Later on, the guy who started the chant shared that it was written by a guru who gave his life force to the chant. Intrigued, I asked, "What does that mean?" He shared that the guru made a deal with one of his spirit guides to give his life force to the chant so that whoever would chant it would receive life. The guru then looked 50 years older and slowly, over years, gained his life back. Apparently, he repeated this process with several chants.

I started to search for a sparkly statement. A sparkly statement is a phrase that points to Jesus and also catches someone's attention and causes them to respond with a question. I was playing with, "I know a guru that has eternal life and does not repeatedly make deals with spirit guides." Or, "What if there was a guru that gives eternal life and there is no cost?" Unfortunately, I wasn't quick enough and I missed the opportunity. 

I share this because it takes time to learn the culture and that’s okay. We can still be building relationships and trust as we learn. I also share this because I strongly believe Christians need to be in this environment representing Christ. 

Our mission team has a vision to see New Agers encounter Jesus and creatively worship Him in community. We accomplish this through our mission, which is to engage New Agers in their environment, lead them to an encounter with Jesus, and invite them into a Discovery Bible Study. 

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About the Author

Nova worked inside church walls, evangelizing and building programs for those in the pews, for 12 years. In 2022, she followed Jesus into the nucleus of the New Age people group. She realized they are seeking Jesus and understood His great love for them. She is now developing a ministry to the New Age.

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